What is an Inverter and What is its Application?

An inverter is a high-power electronic device that converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC). The function of inverters is the opposite of power converters, which convert AC power to DC. Inside inverters, there are no moving parts, which makes them practical for various applications, including computer power supplies, large transportation vehicles, agricultural pumps, elevators, production lines, industrial factories, and more. Inverters are commonly used to supply AC power from DC sources such as solar panels or batteries.

A category of inverters with lower power capacity have a warning against use for fluorescent lamp lighting. The reason for this warning is that the power correction capacitor is connected in parallel with the lamp, and removing the capacitor solves the issue.

Types of Inverters Based on Output Waveform:

1. Square Wave Inverters:

Square wave inverters have fewer applications compared to other types of inverters. The output waveform of these inverters is a square wave. Generally, all household electrical appliances and equipment designed to work with AC power are designed for sine wave. The function of this category of inverters is to convert DC signal to square wave AC signal.

2. Modified Sine Wave Inverters:

Modified sine wave inverters produce a signal that resembles a sine wave. Modified sine wave inverters can change the phase directly from positive to negative, and their structure is more complex compared to square wave inverters.

3. Pure Sine Wave Inverters:

The most complex and efficient type of inverters are pure sine wave inverters, which produce a pure sine wave waveform, similar to the shape of a grid power waveform. This category of inverters creates less loss, although their manufacturing cost is high. Pure sine wave inverters can be used in many commercial and residential applications.

The Use of Inverters in Increasing Equipment Lifespan

Among the justifications for using inverters to increase the lifespan of desired equipment are sudden motor startups and the reduction of the need for single-speed methods for motors, which exposes them to current fluctuations and high starting torque. AC inverters gradually increase the motor’s operational speed to reduce electrical and mechanical stress and also reduce repair and maintenance costs, thus increasing the lifespan of motors and equipment. Additionally, AC inverters have the capability of precise motor control based on specialized patterns.

Electricity Generation Method Using Inverters:

The DC to AC converter, or in other words, speed control, requires a stable DC source that can provide the necessary current for system requirements.

In general, there are two methods for generating household voltage from low-voltage DC sources:

1. Converting DC current to AC at the battery level and then using a linear transformer to produce the output voltage.

2. Increasing the DC voltage level using a booster converter and then converting it to AC.

Reasons for using inverters include:

– Adapting the inverter torque to process requirements.

– Adjusting the speed of the inverters to process requirements.

– Energy savings and increased efficiency.

Popular types of inverters in the Iranian market include:

1. Siemens inverter

2. Emaster inverter

3. Chint inverter

4. Schneider inverter

5. Inot inverter

6. LS inverter

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